Kamis, 26 November 2015



I want to Introduce My Self . My Name is RISKA YULIANA .
 I was born on 12 July 1996. I have a father and a mother , and I have one older sister.
Back when I was a kid, I had a call " oshin " ! From which I know , why I was calling oshin ? because I like the chinese people.
Here I attached a photo of me as a baby .

-Thank You-

Rabu, 25 November 2015

KOMASI DAY 'Green Campus Raharja'

Not long ago I became a part of the komasi day , I got the treasurer or part of finance .
So it is KOMASI (Komunitas Mahasiswa/i Sistem Informasi) from Green Campus Raharja.
In commemorating the anniversary komasi , we held an event komasi day . 

Many of the events in it , like a Potong Tumpeng, bands , stand up comedy , good performing play guitar , modern dance and theater .

We are also here to invite Kajur SI , Alumni and Senior komasi .



So today I visited an event in which a lot of knowledge , not only that there are games and there is also a famous star . Here I will discuss with the picture that I attach .Here I visited a stand of technology . And it turns out that all the works of creation or vocational students SMK majoring TKJ .They make robots and smart home that can turn on the light via smartphone . And robots that can play the ball using a stick play station . I think it's very interesting , so I long to be in the booth .And robots that can play the ball using a stick play station .I think it's very interesting , so I long to be in the booth .And robots that can play the ball using a stick play station .I think it's very interesting , so I long to be in the booth .